Mexico as a Country Brand has a fair overall score, but it is declining. To be more specific, US News’ Best Countries overall ranking of 80 nations seats Mexico 33rd, while Brand Finance’s latest Nation Brands reports Mexico’s decline in brand value of 22% due to an unsettled year both economically and politically. I guess we can find solace in knowing that our country is still in the better half.
Our decent Country Brand rating is thanks to our rankings in Happiness, Trade and Tourism. In the latest World Happiness Report Mexico ranked 24th of 156 countries (essentially the same as in 2018). Bloom Consulting ranked Mexico 16th in trade and 11th in tourism, both with improvements versus previous year. The Travel and Tourism Competitive Index rates Mexico at 19 of 140 countries.
But overall Mexico’s Country Brand Reputation and Brand Strength has fallen. We have a terrible international reputation for corruption and violence. The Corruption Perception Index rates Mexico at 130th of 180 countries reputation. How bad is that? Well it is dramatically low when compared to our northern neighbors, the USA 23rd ranked and Canada 12th.
In terms of Violence, the Global Terrorism score rates Mexico 48th in the world, with a huge drop of 8 points over previous year. We have the worse score in our region, and dramatically worse than that of USA and Canada.
Another weak area of our country’s reputation is that of Science and Technology. The Good Country Index rated Mexico at 96th.
It is good for Mexico
The above indicators, plus our current political turmoil and Covid-19 crisis, indicate that our Country’s reputation could use a boost.
Showing the positive side of Mexico through our products and service and in the advertising for our brands helps offset the negative image internationally and at home. We need our corporate brands to be environmentally conscious, socially responsible citizens of the world. I personally consider Bimbo ´s reputation abroad is a source of national pride. For starter’s Bimbo contributed to improving Mexico’s image, by being the first Mexican corporation to be ranked as one of the World´s Most Ethical Corporations. The amount of international press coverage that surrounded the award was impressive. We need more of that. Mexico’s corporate, brand, service, people, and destination brands should do what they can to help our country look better in the eyes of the world. The better the country’s reputation, the better for investment, trade, and tourism.
It is good for your business
In our over-crowded, me-too marketplace, a brand ‘s points of difference that are feature and function based is temporary. There is just too much stuff out there. Consumers today are tuning out marketing and tuning in to those brands that represent shared values.
Millennials are at the crux of a shift in in the foundations of society, with 88 percent millennials in search of meaning and purpose. The younger Gen Z is following suit, doubling down on their activism as well.
Globally speaking Millennials’ primary concerns is climate change and protecting the environment. But that is not the case in Mexico. According to Deloitte’s Millennials Mexico 2019 report, the three biggest concerns of Millennials’ are this country’s crime rate (46% Mexico vs 20% Global) corruption in business and politics (36% Mexico vs 20% Global), and worsening economic situation (27% Mexico vs 21% Global).
Most Mexicans love their country; however, they are concerned for the future outlook of its crime, economy, corruption, quality of education and healthcare.
Our brands have an opportunity to build a bond with their consumers by contributing to this country’s welfare and doing what they can to showcase the positive side of this country.
What better shared values could there be?
Because you can
Brands have been influencing consumer behavior, beliefs and values for decades. Brands have power. For example, instead of influencing consumers to buy your brand so as to fit in socially or to look better, brands could opt to use their influence to help the world see the bright side of Mexico---- thus favoring tourism, business and investment.
It is the right thing to do
Millennials are hungry for purpose. They want to make the world a better place. Don´t you feel that way too? During all these months of quarantine, many of us have had the opportunity to re-assess our value base. We have painfully become aware of the things that matter most in life. Wouldn´t sleep better at night, knowing that your Brand is helping to make a difference?